New True Blood Season 4 ‘On the Set’ Footage

HBO is taking a time out from its weekly ‘Waiting Sucks’ sneak peek videos from True Blood: Season Four to offer up something a little different and more robust.

This week’s new video takes you on the set on True Blood: Season Four and runs significantly longer than the ‘Waiting Sucks’ series. Showrunner Alan Ball and several of his primary cast members chime in on what to expect when the witches start stirring up their strange brews. You’ll even recognize snippets from the ‘Waiting Sucks’ videos, as well as quite a bit of new footage and dialogue.

If you missed the ‘Waiting Sucks’ videos then fear not, we’ve got you covered. You can click through these names to watch clips for Arlene and Terry, Pam, Eric Northman, Jason Stackhouse, Bill Compton and Sam Merlotte.

We’ll have to wait until next weekend to see if HBO reverts back to the ‘Waiting Sucks’ formula or takes us someplace new.

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