New The Hobbit Image Now, Trailer Tonight

New The Hobbit Image Now, Trailer TonightTonight New Line will release the first trailer, or “announcement trailer” as they’re calling it, for Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Before the trailer drops, the first official still from the film has been released to whet your appetite for the Middle Earth goodness to come.

The still features Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins, fixed at something – or someone(s) – off camera. Behind him are four of the thirteen diminuitive dwarves that will accompany him on his quest: Stephen Hunter as Bombur, Graham McTavish as Dwalin, William Kircher as Bifur, and Jed Brophy as Nori.

The actual trailer will arrive tonight at 7pm PST (10pm EST). A leaked description of the trailer hit the web a few days ago. If legit, there’s enough footage to make this more than a simple “announcement trailer.”

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first of two Hobbit films, opens in theaters everywhere on December 14, 2012. The sequel, The Hobbit: There and Back Again drops almost exactly a year later in December 2013.

Click The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey image below for a high resolution look.

New The Hobbit Image Now, Trailer Tonight

Source: Facebook

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