New Prometheus Still Ahead of Trailer

New Prometheus Still Ahead of TrailerI have good, bad and sad news regarding the Prometheus trailer that Twentieth Century Fox will release online tomorrow.

The good news is that a new Prometheus still has been released via Empire showing the android played by Michael Fassbender making his way through an otherworldly area. In his hand is a bag that may or may not contain one or more of the metal canisters from the Ampule room that houses that big giant human head. I’m thinking it does. Make that hoping it does.

The bad news is that Fox hasn’t released a third 30-second countdown trailer for tomorrow’s Prometheus trailer. They had released one yesterday and the day before, but as of now there’s no sign of one final tease before the full trailer drops.

Why there’s no new Prometheus countdown trailer today may have something to with the sad news. Some dolt recorded a crappy copy of the trailer and began spamming it on YouTube last night. Fox has been relentlessly pulling down new copies as they appear, but because at least one outlet decided to put the trailer in their own video player, the bootleg has hung around and can still be found.

Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll wait for the real deal to see Ridley Scott’s return to sci-fi in a proper resolution.

Check back tomorrow for the official Prometheus trailer reveal.

New Prometheus Still Ahead of Trailer

Image source: Empire

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