New Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood Clips

We have new clips from two hopeful blockbusters that kick off the lucrative summer movie season next month.

First up is an action clip from Robin Hood in which Robin (Russell Crowe) storms a French castle with a band of archers brandishing fire-tipped arrows. Robin Hood bullies his way into theaters on May 14 with Universal hoping the action sells to make for The Wolf Man bust.

Next is a clip from Iron Man 2 in which Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) are interrupted at a party by rival Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) and reporter Christine Everhart (Leslie Bibb). You’ll need to hop over the MSN Movies to check that one out.

Iron Man 2 opens on May 7 with the potential to break The Dark Knight’s opening weekend box office take of $158.4 million.

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