New Homeland Season 2 Trailer is Watching Everyone

New Homeland Season 2 Trailer is Watching EveryoneClaire Danes sports blonde and brunette looks in the first Homeland: Season 2 trailer with actual footage from the upcoming season.

Set to a sweet yet chilling new arrangement of The Police’s Every Breath You Take, the trailer trades in dialogue for powerful imagery of where Carrie (Danes) and Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) are headed in the upcoming season. Despite suffering memory loss from the side effects of a medical procedure at the end of Season 1, Carrie is back on the horse and on the hunt for Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban) and his collaborators. It looks like her attraction to Brody will be too much to ignore.

Brody, meanwhile, will be getting his hands dirtier than they already are. What he does in the trailer falls under spoilers so I won’t mention it here. Those not sensitive to such things can draw their own conclusions from the trailer footage below.

This excellent new Homeland: Season 2 trailer comes on the heels of yesterday’s equally thrilling Dexter: Season 7 trailer debut. Sunday nights this fall on Showtime are going to be a lot of fun.

Homeland: Season 2 premieres on Sunday, September 30 at 10/9c, immediately after the Season 7 premiere of Dexter.

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