Monster’s Ball Coming to Blu-ray; First Details

Lionsgate Home Entertainment has announced Monster’s Ball, starring Billy Bob Thorton, Heath Ledger and Halle Berry in the role that won her a Best Actress Oscar, is coming to Blu-ray Disc on November 4. It will join Lionsgate’s Universal Solider which has already been announced for the same release date.

Monster’s Ball will be presented as the extended unrated cut in widescreen 2.35:1 1080p video and 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio.

Extra features appear to be swiped off the previous multiple DVD versions and will not include anything new. Confirmed thus far is an audio commentary, featurettes and deleted scenes.

Monster’s Ball on Blu-ray will carry an SRP of $29.99. Check back regularly for additional specs, cover art and pre-order information.

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