Earlier today, Warner Bros. publicity team took to Facebook and revealed the official logo for Zack Snyder’s Super reboot film, Man of Steel.
Like the first – and only – official image released from the film thus far, the logo is dominated by a darker, cold steel color palette. Superman’s signature “S” emblem is cast in shadows, making the red appear more burgundy and the yellow more golden.
Rather than a flat emblem, the “S” has faint swooshes of texture across its surface that your mind might trick you into thinking resembles a Nike logo. To my knowledge Nike has no affiliation with the film, though I’m sure they’re thrilled by the accidental resemblance.
Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue and Christopher Meloni was originally due in theaters this upcoming December. After a release date change, it won’t take flight until June 14, 2013. I anticipate the first teaser trailer making an appearance attached to The Dark Knight Rises this July.
Click the Man of Steel logo below for a closer look.

Source: Facebook