Lindsay Lohan Personifies Sex Appeal in Liz & Dick Poster

Lindsay Lohan Personifies Sex Appeal in Liz & Dick PosterLindsay Lohan’s ongoing personal life gaffes haven’t been a beacon of light for her image over the past several years. Today she found herself back in the tabloids and spotlight for yet another run-in with the law, which makes it all the more fitting that Lifetime choose today – of all days – to release a new poster featuring her portraying an incredibly iconic role.

Below is Lifetime’s official one-sheet poster for Liz & Dick, the upcoming Elizabeth Taylor and Ricard Burton biopic that stars Lohan as Taylor and Grant Bowler as Burton. Bowler is nowhere to be seen on the poster, but Lohan’s there and almost begging to be critiqued.

I would never mistake this imagery of Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor for being a younger Elizabeth Taylor. You can still see Lohan’s facial features under the layers of makeup. That said, the combination of the makeup, the dark hair, outfit, jewelry, and Lohan’s natural features make her look the part a lot more than most probably thought she would. Few actresses in Hollywood today could pull off such a close resemblance.

The irony of the Liz & Dick poster coming out today when Lohan is back in the news for all the wrong reasons are the words Lifetime chose to accompany the imagery. “Scandal,” “Controversial,” “Child Star” and “Tabloid Front Page.” Sound like anyone you know besides Taylor? It’s almost as if Lifetime had this poster ready to go and was just waiting for Lohan to slip up and hit the tabloids again before releasing it.

You will get your first crack at critiquing the performance of Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick when it premieres on Lifetime this November.

Lindsay Lohan Personifies Sex Appeal in Liz & Dick Poster

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