Katherine Heigl Returning to Grey’s Anatomy Next Season

Uncertainty has been swirling around the future of Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight on Grey’s Anatomy since the beginning of last season. The finale ending with their characters’ lives hanging in the balance is the creative equivalent of one foot out the door.

Sources have already leaked that T.R. Knight is a goner and will not return to Grey’s next season. That doesn’t mean his character, George, is necessarily dead. Since he was hit by a bus and his face was disfigured, George could live on and be played by another actor forced to endure intensive physical therapy and like multiple face surgeries en-route to a partial recovery.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, multiple sources have confirmed Katherine Heigl will not follow Knight out the door and will be back next season. This news comes as a shocker considering her pulling out of the Emmy’s due to her character Izzy Stevens not receiving proper stories and Heigl’s increased interest in pursuing a movie career.

How Heigl might return after flat-lining from stage IV metastatic cancer in the brain and liver is the next mystery to be solved, assuming this report pans out to be true. I know Grey’s fans including my wife are hoping for the best.

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