Joss Whedon Outs Himself as The Avengers Movie Director

Joss Whedon confirmed today what has been speculated for more than a month. He has been offered and will be accepting the directing gig for Marvel’s The Avengers live action film.

The admission came at Comic-Con during the EW Visionaries panel which featured Whedon and J.J. Abrams talking about filmmaking and their current projects. “That is not an official thing because I think Marvel couldn’t afford a press release,” Whedon said when asked about The Avengers job. “So can I just make that an official thing? I’m directing The Avengers.”

Whedon went on to share that he is currently writing the film’s outline and was drawn to the project by a simple premise, “these people shouldn’t be in the same room let alone on the same team — and that is the definition of family.” We should find out at least who Whedon plans to bring into this dysfunctional family to replace Ed Norton as Bruce Banner during the Marvel Studios panel on Saturday.

As for a sequel to Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog, Whedon confesses the project is “in a turnaround at the studio of me.” In other words, don’t expect it any time soon.

Source: MTV

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