A new image of Johnny Depp as the vampire Barnabas Collins was released a couple days ago, depicting a blood sucker far more creepy than the vampire everyone is loving comparing him to, Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in the Twilight films.
Depp is the star of Dark Shadows, the Tim Burton-directed feature-film version of the television series bearing the same name. The series originally aired between 1966 and 1971, and now will get a new look with Depp leading the way.
Barnabas is quite pale in Burton’s adaptation, with long, pointy fingernails and slicked down hair that ends in points. He looks serious in the image as Depp’s face almost vanishes under the many coats of makeup.
Dark Shadows co-stars Burton favorite Helena Bonham Carter along with Depp, Jonny Lee Miller, Eva Green and Chloe Moretz. It creeps into theaters on May 11.