The past two days have witnessed an onslaught of leaked images hitting the web from the production of Star Wars: Episode VII. Those leaks have spoiled a few things from the film, including some big things, and there’s no telling if more leaks will pop up literally any moment.
There’s a couple different ways Lucasfilm, Disney and director J.J. Abrams could have chosen to deal with the leaks. The most obvious would be to extend their mighty legal arm and start having all the images pulled, a costly endeavor that would also leave a sour taste behind. This doesn’t appear to be happening or it would have happened already.
The other is to acknowledge the leak tongue-in-cheek, which is precisely what J.J. Abrams has chosen to do. In fact, his response, posted this morning via the Bad Robot Twitter, is nothing short of brilliant.
To counter the leaked images, Abrams has shared an image of his own. The image is of a card on J.J. Abrams letterhead that reads, “I wish people would stop leaking photos from Episode VII. And making ridiculous claims that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie. JJ”
What’s brilliant about the image is that card is sitting atop a familiar piece of hardware: the Millennium Falcon chess table i.e. Dejarik table where C-3PO told Chewbacca to, “let the Wookie win.” Clever, J.J.
Check out the new image from Abrams followed by an image of the Dejarik table prop from Star Wars: A New Hope.

Source: Twitter