Infestation of Dead Rising Xbox 360 high-res screenshots

Capcom’s Dead Rising is one of the more intriguing Xbox 360 games on the way because the developers are relying on the console’s processing power to bring us what we all want: and endless sea of characters on-screen at once. Sure we’ve seen grandiose one-on-hundreds battles in the Dynasty Warriors series for years. But we haven’t seen the formula applied to a more recognizable pop-culture setting like that being offered in Dead Rising, which shares a strikingly similarity to the classic zombie film Dawn of the Dead.

This infestation of high resolution screenshots offer a bigger glimpse into what Frank is up against both inside and just outside the mall where all the action takes place. Take note of a tank begging to be boarded and a jeep full of prisoners ripe for jacking, as well as a host of more colorful characters beyond the standard staggering zombie fare.

Dead Rising is still estimated for a June-ish release.

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