Marvel’s slate of Cinematic Universe Phase 2 films award Iron Man, Captain America and Thor sequel installments, as well as inviting Guardians of the Galaxy into the fold. That leaves Hulk as the only core Avenger to not have another confirmed standalone film.
We have all assumed that Marvel’s Phase 2 slate is finalized and no more films will be announced with a release date between now and summer 2015 when The Avengers 2 completes the phase and sets up a third. That doesn’t mean Hulk getting another go at a standalone is off the table. It would more likely fit into Marvel’s Phase 3 plans.
Our assumptions were confirmed by Marvel boss Kevin Feige in another snippet from an extensive interview he conducted recently with MTV. Feige confirmed that Marvel feels Hulk as seen in The Avengers and played by Mark Ruffalo is strong enough to carry his own film. There’s no way Marvel will even attempt that until after The Avengers 2.
MTV asked Feige specifically about pulling off the Planet Hulk story from the comic books. Feige said they “could” do it someday and is a fan of that story, as well as World War Hulk. By the time Phase 3 rolls around, Marvel’s expansion beyond planet earth will be established enough for Hulk to possibly engage in some interstellar missions.
Even though the earliest a Hulk standalone film would land is late 2015, I have a hard time imagining Marvel won’t find a way to squeeze him into one of the Phase 2 films before The Avengers 2. Fans, both casual and hardcore, love the Ruffalo version of the character and want to see more of him. Keeping him off the table for three years would make for an excruciating wait.
Source: MTV