In the Homeland Season 1 finale ‘Marine One,’ will Brody push the button, sacrificing himself in the name of another man’s child while condemning his own family to a fate of unimaginable emotional and psychological pain? Is Saul or Estes the mole? Will Carrie somehow earn her job back or go rogue?
The promo for tonight’s season finale shows Brody along with a bloodied Vice President in a bunker, his hand on the suicide vest trigger and his face preparing for the final seconds of his life. That scene could be a dream and Brody never actually gets to that point in his plan, but other scenes showing Tom Walker taking shots at the Vice President’s entourage point toward why all the important figures are assembled in the bunker.
If Brody about to push the button is a dream, then maybe his daughter Dana is the one who helps blow the whistle. There could be other evidence on her camera from their trip to Gettysburg that might implicate Brody in the plot. Though I have a hard time imagining Carrie isn’t involved in figuring out what’s going on, especially after what she went through in the previous episode. Claire Danes should clear a spot on her shelf for a new award or two.
I’m going to speculate that Carrie just as Carrie is beginning to turn her suspicions back toward Brody, especially after he ratted out their affair to Estes in the previous episode, Dana comes to Carrie with her concerns about her dad. I have a hard time imagining Brody will get away with his plot and essentially kill off one of the top two main characters. It took Boardwalk Empire two seasons to pull that off. Showtime would be setting a new precedent in taking only one.
To get you ready for tonight’s Homeland season finale, below you’ll find a promo for the finales of both Homeland and Dexter, a clip titled ‘Preparation’ in which Brody dons the bomb vest, another clip titled ‘It’s All Redacted’ with Saul coming to Estes with information, the promo spot that ran after last week’s episode, and finally a series of images from the finale.
Watch the Homeland Season 1 finale ‘Marine One’ tonight on Showtime at 10pm EST/PST.