HBO Offering Early Look at New True Blood Episode After Season 4 Premiere

HBO announced via Twitter that after the True Blood premiere this upcoming Sunday, subscribers of the pay channel will be able to log in at and watch the second episode of the season in its entirety a full week before it airs.

If this marketing tactic to push HBO Go sounds familiar, it should. Just a few weeks ago HBO offered the same opportunity to watch an episode of Game of Thrones a week early via their new online viewing area. That experiment must have been a success for HBO to try it again so soon.

There’s been no shortage of True Blood previews leading into the season four premiere. HBO offered up the first 8 minutes from the premiere episode online over a week ago, and then aired it immediately following the Game of Thrones finale last night. Those minutes ask more questions than they answer which should help pull in additional viewers for the premiere.

Catch the True Blood season four premiere on HBO this Sunday, June 26 at 9pm EST/PST.

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