Harrison Ford Updates Indiana Jones 5

Harrison Ford is out and about this week helping drum up business for Morning Glory, the new romantic comedy he stars in alongside Rachel McAdams and Diane Keaton. These rare appearances by the reclusive mega star has presented reporters with an unobstructed shot at drilling him with questions about where the next adventure of Dr. Jones stands.

MTV got some face time with Ford yesterday and got him to address the film’s status. “It’s on George’s [George Lucas] plate,” Ford responded. “And I’m hoping he’s working hard at it, because I’d look forward to doing it again if the three of us could get together — George, [director] Steven Spielberg, myself — I’d love to do another.”

That’s as far as Ford would go regarding the latest adventures of the man in the fedora. To recap what we knows thus far the project is not dead, George Lucas is up to bat, the Bermuda Triangle is rumored (unconfirmed) to be involved, and Shia LaBeouf knows the “crazy” story that Steven Spielberg personally shared with him.

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