Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars Episode VII Rumor Gains Steam (Updated)

Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars Episode VII Rumor Gains Steam (Updated)Latino Review’s El Mayimbe has cranked up his Hollywood scoops machine again, this time turning his attention toward J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars Episode VII to offer unofficial confirmation of a Harrison Ford rumor that has been floating around the Internet for more than a year.

According to El Mayimbe’s sources, Ford is signed, sealed and delivered to return as Han Solo in Star Wars Episode VII. If true, and consider it rumor until Lucasfilm has their official say, would further indicate that Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher as Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa (Solo?) are reasonable bets to return as well, despite Lucasfilm having not yet made any official announcements regarding their involvement.

In case your curious, Harrison Ford turns 71 years old on July 13. If the story in any way involves his kids, it would most likely include his grand kids as well. It’s fun to speculate when we know absolutely nothing about where the story is going.

Expect the Star Wars hyper-drives over at Lucasfilm and Disney to really kick into high gear once J.J. Abrams wraps up his Star Trek Into Darkness post-production and publicity duties.

Update: Entertainment Weekly’s Geoff Boucher took to Twitter shortly after the El Mayimbe Harrison Ford scoop dropped to counter it. According to his inside sources, discussions have been ongoing but they are not a done deal as El Mayimbe suggests. Boucher even indicates that it may be several more months before Ford signs on the dotted line.


Source: Latino Review

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