Is Grand Theft Auto IV coming before the end of April? Will it be delayed again? Will it be any good?
While the definitive answers to these questions are still unknown, new light has been shed on Rockstar’s upcoming surefire hit via a slew of hot-off-the-presses previews hitting the ‘Net now. New features, multiplayer confirmation and several hints at a release time frame are now out in the open, ready for your eyeballs to scan.
Rather than send you off on a wild goose chase, we’ve cobbled together direct links to, and notable quotes from, all the Grand Theft Auto IV previews we could find at this time. In addition, we’ve added 10 new screenshots released to time with the preview embargo lifting this morning.
“the game is all there, Rockstar is currently polishing and ironing out bugs”
“Rockstar said it should be announcing an updated release date for GTA IV soon. Given how the game looked during this demo, we can’t figure the ship date will be one the publisher will have to delay again nor will it be too far away from now on the calendar.”
“Indeed, the extra time taken for development was very well spent, and GTA IV looks to be just about done…”
“All the free roaming stuff we’ve liked about the previous games is in but the promise of the other mechanics we’ve only seen hinted at like the Internet, the police database, and in-game relationships, is really intriguing.”
“Rockstar is shooting for the most sophisticated and believable Grand Theft Auto world yet, while at the same time, retaining all the hallmarks of what makes the series.”
“The developer’s claim that “thousands of changes” have been implemented seems far-fetched at first, but as you see more of the game, this doesn’t sound quite so crazy. The game is a very different beast to its predecessors, while still maintaining all that was fun about them.”
“Our previous peeks at GTA IV made it seem relatively subdued and even somber compared to earlier games in the series, but this latest glimpse blew all that out of the water. Literally. With explosive boat physics. “
“By the looks of it, Rockstar could’ve made the most epic sandbox yet.”
Click here to pre-order GTA IV for Xbox 360 at
Click here to pre-order GTA IVfor Playstation 3 at