Game of Thrones Season 2 Teaser Trailer and Set Footage

All has been relatively quiet on the Game of Thrones front since Peter Dinklage snagged an Emmy for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister in the hit HBO series. This update is a pin drop in the grand scheme of things, but certainly better than nothing.

Up first is a brief official teaser trailer for Game of Thrones season 2. The bad news is there’s not a lick of footage in the roughly 15-second spot. The good news is you get to hear the first line of dialogue from the new season, and it’s right in line with what the season is expected to deliver.

“The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors”

The second video comes from YouTube user 7Narwen who managed to capture some season 2 filming in action. Easily identifiable in the set footage are King Joffrey and Tyrion Lannister. I don’t see a camera around so it’s doubtful they’re filming a scene versus rehearsing, but it’s still neat to finally see something from the new season.

Unfortunately, Game of Thrones season 2 is still a long ways off with the premiere expected to debut in April, 2012.

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