Game of Thrones First Trailer Reenacted with Playmobil

Game of Thrones First Trailer Reenacted with PlaymobilAs HBO’s Game of Thrones wraps up the fourth episode of Season 2 titled ‘Garden of Bones’ tonight, we bring you an alternate look at the first trailer ever released for the hit series delivered with a unique little twist.

Here’s that first Game of Thrones trailer created using none other than Playmobil toys. The same toys have been around and entertaining children for decades are used to reenact Ned Stark lopping off some poor guys head, show Daenerys having sex, any many other scenes Playmobil seems to naturally fit right into.

Even Tyrion the imp gets his own Playmobil recreation. Here’s a hint: he’s the little kid.

I guarantee this is the only time you will ever see the entire cast of Game of Thrones smiling. Nothing but smiles.

I’m now pulling for the artist behind this Game of Thrones trailer to put one together for Season 2.

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