Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was widely thought to be the beginning of a second trilogy featuring the misadventures of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. While future Pirates films are already in the works, they won’t be attached to their predecessors as Pirates 2 and 3 where.
In speaking with USA Today at CinemaCon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides director Rob Marshall said that audiences in test screenings found the “fresh and new” story was the aspect they liked most. Marshall and producer Jerry Bruckheimer plan to continue this “fresh and new” story idea into Pirates of the Caribbean 5 and any additional Pirates films.
Marshall also confirmed that the script for Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is already well underway. As long as Johnny Depp is willing to don the Jack Sparrow outfit and makeup, a character he loves dearly, Disney is committed to making more of the hugely profitable films.
Source: USA Today