Full Season Orders for CBS’ Mike and Molly, Hawaii Five-O and 3 Others

CBS has elected to order full season pickups for each of its five new prime-time shows, proving the success of their fall television season while the other networks have had to consider cancellations and reduced orders.

Thanks to decent ratings in their respective time slots, full season orders are now in place for ‘Hawaii Five-O,’ ‘Blue Bloods,’ ‘The Defenders,’ ‘Mike & Molly’ and ‘(Bleep) My Dad Says.’ Of the freshman shows, ‘Mike and Molly’ has shown the most strength with ‘Hawaii Five-O’ also running strong despite a drop-off in viewers over the past couple weeks.

‘(Bleep) My Dad Says’ with William Shatner has held onto enough of Big Bang Theory’s lead-in audience to stay afloat. For its sake CBS might want to keep it there should a second season materialize.

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