Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422Don’t look now, but the final season of Fringe kicks off on Fox exactly 10 days from now in the episode ‘Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11.’ Let’s celebrate more Fringe with some brand new stills plucked from the upcoming season premiere.

Of the eight photos you will see below, four of them revolve around the substance Amber 31422. If you recall, Walternate developed this substance to trap potential wormholes in his world before they could fully develop and potentially destroy everything. This substance has also been used to freeze people in time. We’ve seen this on multiple occasions already, including last season’s future-set episode ‘Letters of Transit’ that saw Walter Bishop removed from Amber with the assistance of his granddaughter, Etta. It turns out Walter wasn’t the only one trapped in Amber.

Season 5 will kick off with the Fringe team attempting to reunite in the future including tracking down a missing Olivia. Eventually Olivia will come face-to-face with her daughter and have to adjust to her much in the same way Walter and Peter did when Peter suddenly appeared in his current timeline. When reunited, it will be up to Fringe Division to save the world from those dastardly Observers.

Fringe: Season 5 premieres Friday, September 28 on Fox.

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

Fringe Season 5 Premiere Images Full of Amber 31422

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