First World War Z Footage with Brad Pitt Unleashes Zombie Swarm

First World War Z Footage with Brad Pitt Unleashes Zombie SwarmLast night Entertainment Tonight premiered the first footage from Marc Forster’s World War Z zombie apocalypse film starring Brad Pitt and Mireille Enos. Forget the human stars and check out the rabid zombies below.

In the World War Z footage, zombies appear in giant swarms and move as fast – if not faster – than the humans they are chasing. CGI use is abundant as the zombies stack on top of each other to climb high walls, resembling ants working as a team to achieve a common goal.

Traditionally zombies are slow moving creatures and filmed up-close-and-personal to show off the makeup work that went into creating them. In this first World War Z footage, the camera is pulled back to show the sheer number and voracity of the zombies rather than a personal fight against them. Not that the camera will never zoom in on the zombies at some point. I’m sure it will.

World War Z is based on the novel World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by author Max Brooks. In the book, Pitt’s character Gerry Lane is a United Nations employee tasked with aiding to stop the spread of the zombie disease around the world before humanity itself is wiped out.

Entertainment Tonight is promising a full look at the film on Thursday which means we should get the first trailer that is preview footage was plucked from. Hopefully a high definition version pops up online shortly thereafter so we can get a better look at the manic zombies.

World War Z will swarm theaters on June 21, 2013.

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