First Look: Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome Concept Art

I had been expecting the next bit of news on Syfy’s Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome pilot to announce the first cast selections. Instead Syfy has used their Blastr website to share four pieces of concept art from the show that might alter whatever visions of the first Cylon War you may have concocted based on Razor.

The first image is fairly straightforward; an earlier version of a Colonial Raptor is being pursued by a Cylon Raider through what looks like the carcass of a Battlestar launch tube. This is the kind of epic action sequence we all expect the show to deliver.

The second image takes a sharp right into the realm of weird where a part robot/part human female drags along either an injured or deceased human female. Could this be a link between the now canceled Caprica series and Blood and Chrome? Perhaps. Look at the final 5 episodes of Caprica on the newly released Caprica Season 1.5 DVD before forming an opinion.

Cold defines the third image which looks ripped straight out of Hoth from Star Wars. In it, Colonials battle some sort of gnarly snow worm while Cylon Raiders fly overhead. It looks like a fantastic and unexpected scene reminiscent more of Star Trek on an alien world than the Battlestar universe we’ve come to know.

The final image is the most perplexing, depicting some sort of new Cylon or robot design. Speculatively it could be a bridge between the old Cylon designs and what we saw in Battlestar Galactica. Or, it could be something the Colonials came up with to battle the Cylons.

None of these concept art designs are guaranteed to be in the final pilot but their existence can be interpreted as a direct reflection of the script. I for one like the curve ball we’ve been thrown.

Are you excited about where Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome is headed? Syfy is counting on you to be, especially since the show carries not only the burden of keeping the Battlestar world alive after Caprica’s departure, but also keeping the space drama genre alive after the recent canning of Stargate Universe.

Click on any of the images to enlarge.

Source: Blastr

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