First Image From Iron Man 2 Set

As promised by John Favreau via Twitter, USA Today this evening published the first official picture from the set of Iron Man 2.

The pic depicts Tony Stark in his lab which now is surrounded by various incarnations of Iron Man armor laid out like trophies to admire.

USA Today used their persuasive powers and managed to get Favreau to reveal Iron Man 2 takes place six months after Tony outs his superhero identity to the world in Iron Man.

“How many superheroes are open about their true identities?” asked Favreau. “We wanted to play with that idea. But it obviously has consequences — in his relationships, on the team. There are a lot of areas we can explore.”

Other than that tidbit Favreau’s lips are sealed beyond the already known new castings of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, and Don Cheadle taking over as Jim Rhodes.

Iron Man 2 takes flight a little over a year from now on May 7, 2010.

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