Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Finally Finds Director in Sam Taylor-Johnson

Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Finally Finds Director in Sam Taylor-JohnsonUniversal and the producers of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie project have extended an offer to Sam Taylor-Johnson to direct the film, and she has decided to take on the challenge.

Some of you might be wondering, “Sam who?” Sam Taylor-Johsnon is not a big name in Hollywood, especially to the audience that will turn out in groves to see the Fifty Shades of Grey film adaptation when it is eventually released. Her most notable film is Nowhere Boy, a coming-of-age film John Lennon film that changed her life in ways she didn’t expect.

It was during filming Nowhere Boy that then Sam Taylor-Wood struck up a relationship with the film’s star, Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass), an actor more than a couple decades younger than her. They would go on to marry and have a child together.

Now rumors are erupting that Aaron Johnson has the inside track on scoring the male lead, 27-year old Christian Grey. Johnson is currently 23 so he’s not that far off from the target age and could probably pull of the role.

However, given the huge interest in Fifty Shades of Grey from the book’s massive fanbase and the controversy/drama that Aaron Johnson being cast would create, I would be surprised to see him involved in the film in any capacity whatsoever. Besides, I think we would all rather see Kick-Ass 3 get green lit so Aaron Johnson can don the green tights and take on bad guys with Hit Girl again.

The Fifty Shades of Grey film feels as if it has been floundering about without any sense of direction for well over a year now. The hiring of a director is the first tangible step towards Universal deciding when they want to actually put this potentially huge first installment of a three-to-four film franchise into production and lock in a release date.

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