In case you weren’t aware, Ubisoft is offering a bonus pack to anyone who pre-orders the game at GameStop.
Reading about the Far Cry 3 Monkey Business bonus pack is boring. The following trailer Ubisoft dropped today is anything but. Whoever in Ubisoft’s marketing department or team that thought this up deserves a raise. You can never go wrong with monkeys, especially when they’re pulling the plugs on grenades.
Be warned: this trailer contains harsh language and should not be viewed in the presence of individuals sensitive to vulgarity. After watching it, you won’t be able to resist using the phrase “punching away like a freak on bath salts” at least once in your life.
Far Cry 3 arrives on Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC on December 4, 2012. Sorry, Wii U. No suicide monkeys for you.
Click here to pre-order Far Cry 3 on the platform of your choice at GameStop and score the Monkey Business pack for the effort.