E3 2006 Booth Babes Gallery: Round One

Here they are! Finally, our first round of E3 2006 booth babes are up for your viewing pleasure. As some of you may or may not know, a mandate was handed down this year by The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) about the booth babes’ attire. Strictly forbidden this year was “nudity, partial nudity, bikini bottoms or any sexually explicit or provocative conduct.” Violators would first receive a warning, but a second offense would cost the exhibitor a cool $5K. At first, compared to E3 2005, it felt like the show was in a convent, but as you soon will see putting in a few hours of search time resulted in a decent-enough gallery. There were quite a few ladies who were pushing the envelope a bit, and a good number were given that first warning. Lighten up ESA, it’s an 18-and-older video game convention for Pete’s sake.

Please enjoy this first installment of “covered-up” ladies, and if you haven’t had enough after that, check out last year’s gallery of babes which caused all the hubbub in the first place.

Breasts sponsored by Hudson.

This gal listened to the new rules and covered up… one leg.

These were just four of the gaggle of insanely hot babes wandering around the THQ booth.

Anal probe anyone?

Another THQ babe, but this one is into leather and guns. What a freak.

Do the curtains match the carpet? Ask Bac.

Nurse, I think I have a hernia. Can you please check?

If this is what the Dark Kingdom has in store, pencil me in!

And the winners of the “Pushing the Clothing Rules Envelope” Award are…

“Wanna smell my controller?”

To wrap this up… the gratuitous ass shot.

Tune back in tomorrow for round 2!

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