Dexter Season 5 Finale Preview Images and Clips

Dexter Morgan has come a long way since the first episode of season five. The problems faced after the death of his wife resolved, Dexter now searches to finish the revenge puzzle against Jordan Chase for his accomplice and “soul mate,” Lumen, while his sister inches closer to discovering his after hours hobby and her boyfriend find himself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

To help get you ready for tonight’s Dexter Season 5 finale episode ‘The Big One,’ I’ve cobbled together Showtime’s images, preview clips and trailer into a nice succinct preview montage below. Some of the imagery and video should be considered *spoiler territory* so proceed at your own risk.

‘The Big One’ will premiere tonight, December 12 at 9pm EST/PST. Considering how quickly the Blu-ray and DVD seasons of other recent shows have gone up for pre-order at it likely won’t be too long until Dexter does as well.

Scroll below the clips and trailer to view the Dexter finale images.

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