Captain America: The First Avenger Trailer Sneak Peek Clip #3

Updated: Paramount has released a third sneak peek clip for the Captain America: The First Avenger movie trailer which I’ve linked to below along with the previous clips. The full trailer will show up online tomorrow, May 24.

As promised on Tuesday evening, Entertainment Tonight ran an exclusive preview of Marvel’s first trailer for Captain America: The First Avenger. In conjunction with the footage, Paramount released a brief clip from the trailer followed up by a second clip this morning. I’ve also included a new image from a couple days ago at the bottom.

What Entertainment Tonight failed to warn us about was their butchering of the exclusive footage. Rather than letting the few seconds of Captain America goodness play out on its own, ET felt it necessary to talk over the whole thing so you can barely hear the accompanying audio. That’s the equivalent of seeing a trailer for the first time in a theater and the guy next to you is hanging on your shoulder and narrating the whole thing directly into your ear.

The first two of what will likely be four or five clip snippets from the trailer are free and clear of ET hosts but are so short that if you blink, you’ll miss them. Links to both are below and I will pass along the others, the next of which should appear tonight or tomorrow, when they go live.

The Captain America: The First Avenger trailer will be attached to Sucker Punch this weekend but should/could/might? arrive online prior to Friday.

Captain America Trailer Snippet 1 | Captain America Trailer Snippet 2 | Captain America Trailer Snippet 3

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