Captain America Captured in New First Avenger Image

A new image of Chris Evans as a beaten and bloodied Captain America is making the Internet rounds today. No one seems to know where it originated but there’s no questioning its legitimacy.

Captain America finds himself outnumbered by Hydra soldiers in the Super Bowl spot so it isn’t shocking that in this new image he’s been captured after putting up a valiant fight. At least we know director Joe Johnston isn’t afraid to shy away from blood in his upcoming The Avengers tie-in tale.

Next up for Captain America should be the first theatrical trailer which has rumored to be coming every Friday so far this month. With no big Paramount title due for many weeks there’s no easily predicting to what or when it will be attached. If I had to guess then I’d expect to see Captain America: The First Avenger’s first trailer in front of Warner Bros. Sucker Punch on March 25.

Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger arrives in theaters on July 22.

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