Call of Duty: Black Ops Ascension Zombies Cheats Guide

The newest zombie rage in Call of Duty: Black Ops is the recently released ‘Ascension’ survival map available in the latest DLC pack. It’s been out long enough that the best of the best have figured out the tips and cheats to lasting the longest and are sharing their strategies for everyone else to take advantage of.

A YouTube user going by the handle of “itzDeaMan” has published a fantastic video that walks through how he managed to stay alive to level 59. Better yet he pulled off this feat without the aid of a single friend. Have you reach that insanely high level yet battling ‘Ascension’s’ zombies yet? If not, be sure to check out the embedded video at the bottom of this post.

“itzDeaMan” is very specific with the tactics you should use to survive and rack up the most number of kills for the maximum number of points. These tactics vary as you level-up so you’ll want to keep track of your approach as you rack up more hours combating the zombies. The most obvious is you’ll want to open up those Pack-A-Punch rooms by activating all four rockets from the Landers as soon as the power is activated.

Two of the main keys passed along are how to tackle the Space Monkeys and how to survive when you are seemingly overwhelmed. The Space Monkeys appear every four rounds and are generally a royal pain in the arse as they go after your Perks. As a solo player it’s near impossible to save all the Perks but you might not have known the Juggernaut is the one you should protect at all costs.

When there are seemingly more zombies then you can handle it’s best to run and let them cluster together as they chase you. One in a bunch you can turn around and pop them with a weapon like the MP5, effectively getting the most bang for your ammunition buck.

The video runs nearly 12 minutes so be sure to set aside a little time to go through it and digest the tips that will work for you.

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