Back in December while doing interview rounds for James Cameron’s Avatar, original Ghostbusters star Sigourney Weaver semi-confirmed a bombshell regarding Bill Murray’s involvement in Ghostbusters 3. While hard to believe at the time, Mr. Murray himself is now corroborating it.
Stop here if you wish to remain spoiler-free. You have been warned.
Weaver had suggested that she heard Bill Murray would in fact return in Ghostbusters 3. But, he would not quite be himself. He would be a ghost.
In a recent interview with UK’s The Daily Mail, Murray offered this confirmation of Weaver’s remarks. “I said to them, ‘I’ll do it if you kill me off in the first reel,'” he said. “So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film.”
The initial reaction to this new might be “what the?!?” but it actually makes perfect sense. Ghostbusters 3 is as much a reboot of the franchise as a sequel, where the torch is expected to be passed from the original Ghostbusters team to a new young core of comics err… Ghostbusters that include Oscar, Dana’s (Weaver) son from Ghostbusters 2.
If Murray bites it in the opening reel while fighting ghosts then he can return as a specter to guide the young recruits. He may even find a new appreciation for Slimer while residing on the other side.
Still unknown is how Sigourney Weaver fits into all of this. Would Venkman stalk her from beyond the grave? Or maybe she’s dead, too?
It almost feels as if this bizarre turn of events raises more questions than it answers.