Battlestar Galatica: Complete Series Blu-ray Price Drops at Amazon

When online retailer began accepting pre-orders for Universal’s forthcoming Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series Blu-ray Disc set, the $244.99 price point did not deter buyers. In fact, the set shot into Amazon’s top 10 hourly Blu-ray bestsellers chart and remained there for several days.

The great thing about securing an early pre-order from is you are guaranteed the lowest price available from the time you lock in your pre-order to the time your item ships. If the price goes up you get it at the original price you saw when pre-ordering. Or, as is the case with Battlestar, if the price goes down, so does your purchase price.

I do not know how long Amazon has been selling Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series on Blu-ray for this new low price. But the price, $214.99, is definitely in effect and $30 less than the original pre-order price.

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series on Blu-ray spanning 20 discs and including a collectible Cylon figure is set to arrive on July 28. Click here for a high-res look at the packaging, or visit and secure your set.

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