The Force is unusually strong with Disney and Lucasfilm promotional partners for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. New commercials are hitting the air to promote various products that tie into Star Wars mania this holiday season, and they all tug at the nostalgia of parents whose kids are now the same age as when Kenner and other toy products sold like hotcakes during the Original Star Wars Trilogy’s release.
Duracell Batteries are the brains behind the latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens commercial, The Battle for Christmas Morning. In their flashy big budget ad a boy discovers a toy lightsaber and accompanying batteries in his bedroom and promptly powers up the lightsaber as quick as possible. Before he knows it, First Order stormtroopers are attacking him while C-3P0 and R2-D2 give him direction.
This commercial is neat because it pulls in elements from both The Force Awakens such as the troopers and Kylo Ren’s shuttle, and the original Trilogy with several AT-AT sightings in both full-scale and toy form; dad is assembling the supersized Hasbro version from a few years ago. Back in the day we had to use an inflatable lightsaber or sturdy stick for our Luke Skywalker adventures so the kids of today have it made.
The Force Awakens commercial I relate to most that gets me every time comes courtesy of Toys “R” Us. A dad tries pushing his love of Star Wars onto his kids who want nothing to do with it. Then, after a trip to Toys “R” Us, his daughter finally give into the dark side and dad’s dreams are fulfilled.
I only got my son and daughter remotely interested within the past six months and I suspect there are many other dads out there that will feel this commercial right in the heart.
The final nostalgic Star Wars commercial I’ll share comes from Sony PlayStation to promote the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront video game. Like the Toys “R” Us commercial it plays heavily with nostalgia in the form of an old beat up Kenner R2-D2 action figure. What happens next is what every 30 or 40-something guy dreams of.
We’ve already heard J.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm talk ad nauseam about the use of practical effects in The Force Awakens like the Original Trilogy relied on. That angle and these commercials are both a play on nostalgia to get my generation and our kids into the theater while simultaneously suppressing all memories of the Prequel Trilogy and its heavy reliance on computer generated imagery.
Consider me sold.