Star Wars Episode VII Cast Grows While Harrison Ford Recovery Continues

Lucasfilm and Disney have offered an update on Star Wars: Episode VII this holiday weekend including two young additions to the cast and news on Harrison Ford’s recovery and how his leg injury will affect the production in the coming  months.

American actress Crystal Clark and British actor Pip Anderson are the latest cast members J.J. Abrams has selected to join the ongoing production of Star Wars: Episode VII. Both actors applied for their unknown roles via an opening casting call that drew more than 67,000 total in-person and online applicants.

Clark has yet to appear in a feature film but will make her debut just ahead of the Star Wars in 2015 in the movie The Moon and the Sun. Anderson has appeared  in an advertisement for Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man and includes parkour among his specialties.

The Harrison Ford recovery from a leg injury — rumored to be a broken leg caused by a door of the Millennium Falcon — sustained during production of Star Wars: Episode VII will require a two-week hiatus in August for Abrams and his team to reconfigure the shooting schedule. Even with Ford’s injury, in which he will probably return from after the hiatus, Star Wars: Episode VII is still on track to complete shooting this fall.

To set millions of minds at ease and squash any rumors of a delay, Lucasfilm has reaffirmed a December 18, 2015 release date for Star Wars: Episode VII.

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