New ‘Detective Pikachu’ Footage in Earth Day Trailer and BTS Video

Ryan Reynolds helped turn up the Detective Pikachu movie cuteness to overload when he shared a new trailer on Earth Day that was chock full of adorable Pokemon.

Set to Louis Armstrong’s It’s a Wonderful World, the minute-plus trailer shows a variety of Pokemon interacting with our planet. Squirtle pops out of some water. Pancham plays in bamboo. Psyduck talks and does something else. And so on.

The trailer ends with a real tear-jerker moment where Pikachu (Reynolds) tells Justice Smith’s character what his missing dad would do if he were there. It most definitely is a Pikachu World.

The second video is of the behind-the-scenes variety and shows some first glimpses of Reynolds working on the set of Detective Pikachu as well as interview bits with the core cast. It doesn’t have nearly as much new footage as the trailer but is still worth a watch.

Detective Pikachu also stars Kathryn Newton and Ken Watanabe, and arrives in theaters on May 10th.

New Detective Pikachu Footage

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