‘Bumblebee’ Movie Featurette Aims to Distance Spin-Off From Bayformers

Paramount is engaged in a deliberate marketing campaign for director Travis Knight’s Bumblebee movie aimed at distancing the spin-off from Michael Bay’s bombastic Transformers films.

A new Bumblebee movie featurette further reinforces this approach following the first Bumblebee teaser trailer that dropped a couple weeks ago. Like the stop-motion animation films from Knight’s Laika Studios, Bumblebee will heart to match its visual design.

Some might argue that Knight’s approach to the Transformers franchise is too similar to the Iron Giant where an alien robot is befriended by a teenage human. Building story through characters as opposed to action set-pieces might be just what the franchise needs to reinvent itself and pave a new path.

Bumblebee stars Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena, and will be in theaters on December 21st, 2018.

Bumblebee Movie Featurette

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