Ben Affleck Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Posters in Color

Warner Bros. and director Zack Snyder have publicly revealed only two posters from next spring’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that feature the two titular heroes with each other’s logos emblazoned across their faces. They’re cool because any news from the hyped sequel is great to see, but in the case of Ben Affleck as Batman, the logo obstructs the all-new bat suit.

Earlier this evening not one but two new Ben Affleck Batman v Superman posters popped up online sans the Superman logo. The first is a large gray scale shot from the chest up that mirrors the previously released poster. It looks legitimate, though the original source for the poster remains unknown at this time.

The second image comes courtesy of Twitter where JPosters shared it as an exclusive. Here we get a color look at the same poster from the waist up, complete with Batman’s new utility belt and an awesome gray and black color scheme.

Be on the lookout for either Warner Bros. or Zack Snyder to share the official version of this unobstructed Batfleck poster in the coming days if these leaks are indeed legit.


Ben Affleck Batman v Superman posters

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