Marvel Studios held an event in Hollywood, California earlier this week that saw president Kevin Feige unveil the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 series of films. This event coincided with the first public clip from next summer’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, that debuted during Agents of SHIELD and was officially shared online shortly thereafter. That wasn’t the only Age of Ultron shown during the Marvel event, and this second clip has now leaked online for the rest of us to enjoy.
The clip features Steve Rodgers (Chris Evans) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) engaged in a quieter and more personal moment. They reference events from earlier in the film, including the “Maximoff kid” and some fact-finding mission Thor has gone off on.
What’s telling about his clip is the growing rift between Stark and Rodgers that will play right into Captain America: Civil War. Both of these men are trusting one another less and less as their ideals clash, and the imminent Civil War should draw definitive lines in the sand.
As you watch the leaked Avengers: Age of Ultron footage, try to imagine why Stark and Rodgers are on a secluded farm and partaking in manual labor. Hmmm.
Avengers: Age of Ultron aims for box office records starting on May 1, 2015.