Dragon Age Inquisition Week Marathon Part 5: We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Trebuchet

It’s finally time to close the big green hole in the sky. I gather my fellow mages and head to the breach. The mages focus their magic, I raise my hand, then BOOM! The breach is sealed. And there is much rejoicing…until there isn’t because someone is sounding a whole lot of alarm bells. Cullen rushes out and informs us we are being attacked by a massive, unidentified force. Suddenly, there’s a commotion at the front gate and a little voice is asking to come inside. It’s never a good sign when someone (or something) says they can’t come in unless you invite them, but I open the gates anyway. Standing amidst a pile of dead bodies is a bug-eyed person in a weird hat. His name is Cole and he says he’s here to warn me. It seems the Elder One is none too pleased about losing his mages and is attacking with an army of Red Templars. Party pooper.

Cullen rallies the troops with his best Braveheart imitation and I head out to arm the trebuchets. We successfully fire at the invaders and briefly celebrate before the trebuchet is blown up by a fireball. Apparently, the Elder One got the memo on the name of the game and brought along a dragon. Cullen decides the glass is half empty and orders a retreat to the relative safety of the Chantry. He glowers at the sky and snarls “At this point, just make them work for it”. I still hate him, but that was kind of bad-ass.

I’m on my way to safety when I hear cries for help from people trapped by attackers and collapsing buildings. I manage to save all the villagers but Minaeve, who is crushed by a burning crate and is charred to a crisp right in front of me. She screams the whole time. Gruesome, but I respect the reality that you can’t save everyone. Once inside the Chantry, we hatch a new plan. Cullen will lead the villagers away from Haven while I use the remaining trebuchet to trigger a huge avalanche. The snow will bury the Elder One’s army and…somehow stop a flying dragon. Maybe it’s afraid of loud noises.

Dragon Age 3 ShieldI head to the trebuchet and finally meet the Elder One. He reveals his name is Corypheus (DLC flashback!) and he wants my mark. Using some serious looking firepower and a Magic Eight ball, he attempts to remove it, but the outlook is not so good. I’ve spoiled the mark and now it’s permanent. Corypheus takes the news surprisingly well. He calmly begins talking about his new plan and how he will not be stopped. You know, the usual villain stuff. His monologuing gives me enough time to fire the trebuchet and destroy the town.

I slowly make my way through the snow towards the Haven survivors. Along the way, I encounter despair demons and learn a new focus ability called Mark of the Rift. I’m not exactly sure how it works yet, but it dispatches the demons quite nicely, so no complaints. The villagers are shocked and amazed that I am still alive. Despite insisting, once again, that I am not Andraste’s chosen one, Mother Giselle initiates a Whoville sing-along and the masses kneel before me.

Solas tells me of a secret fortress in the mountains and I lead everyone to our new home. The music in the ensuing cut scene is beautiful and I’m legitimately excited to move into our new digs. Upon arrival, I am officially invited to lead the Inquisition. I politely refuse (for appearances only, cause, hell yeah I want the job), then grab the ceremonial sword and raise it in the air. Cassandra asks how I will lead. My gut tells me choosing “I’ll do it for my own power” is the wrong answer, so I settle on doing it for mage freedom. Some people like my answer. Others don’t. Three guesses who they are.

Next Up: And That’s All She Wrote

Previous: It’s a Trap!

Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 5

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