Deus Ex Mankind Divided Gameplay Trailer Delivers 25-Minute Demo Straight from E3 2015

Want to watch roughly 25 minutes of Deus Ex Mankind Divided that only a week ago was for media eyes only in a behind-closed-door demo at E3 in Los Angeles, California? Of course you do!

Square Enix decided that the demo was worthy of the world seeing it rather than a select audience so look below for the full gameplay demo with commentary by Executive Audio Director, Steve Szczepkowski.

This particular demo is an Alpha version of the game running on PC. It looks great, doesn’t it? Keep in mind that developers often have to pare back the visuals in order for the game to run on consoles after developing the games on high-end PCs.

Full life, energy and ammo are all activated so no, it won’t play quite as easy as it does here. There is also some spoilerish material presented around the 18:30 mark so be aware in case you’re overly spoiler sensitive.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided currently has a vague 2016 release date on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided Gameplay Trailer

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