DVD Giveaway: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wes Anderson’s theatrical adaptation of Fantastic Mr. Fox is coming to DVD and Blu-ray Disc on March 23. The stop-motion animated adventure stars the voices of George Clooney and Meryl Streep.

We are going to award two lucky readers Fantastic Mr. Fox on DVD through this contest. To enter simply fill out and submit the short entry form below. You can enter up to once per day as long as the contest is running for increased odds of being picked with each additional entry.

In there-imagined classic family tale, Mr. and Mrs. Fox (Clooney and Streep) live a happy home life with their eccentric son Ash (Jason Schwartzman: The Darjeeling Limited) and visiting nephew Kristopherson. That is until Mr. Fox slips into his sneaky, old ways and plots the greatest heist the animal world has ever seen. When mean old farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean join forces to surround Mr. Fox and his family, they don’t realize they are not dealing with any old fox – it’s Fantastic Mr. Fox and he has a fantastic master plan to save the day!

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