Comedy Central’s Workaholics Season 5 is ready to explode onto Blu-ray and DVD beginning June 23, 2015. Adam, Blake and Ders are treating their jobs as worse as they ever have and laughs-a-plenty naturally ensue, including never-before-seen bits deemed too filthy for TV (as insinuated in the NSFW not-part-of-the-show-trailer below).
Thanks to Comedy Central we have three copies of Workaholics Season 5 on Blu-ray that will each be awarded to a lucky reader in this contest. For a chance to become one of the three winners, please fill out and submit the short entry form below. The odds of winning can be increased each and every day you stop back to enter again for as many days as the contest is open.
You must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter.
Adam, Blake and Ders return for another season of misguided schemes and non-stop partying with Workaholics Season 5, now on DVD & Blu-ray. From schooling the competition in 80s trivia to crashing a DeMamp family funeral, these guys are fending off adulthood in style.
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