Contest: Win Tosh.0: Hoodies on Blu-ray

Contest: Win Tosh.0: Hoodies on Blu-rayNow available on Blu-ray and DVD is Tosh.0: Hoodies, a collection of 10 full-length episodes from the hit Comedy Central show.

We are awarding three readers with a copy of Tosh.0: Hoodies in this daily entry contest. For a chance to win one, please fill out and submit the entry form below. Increase the odds of winning each day you stop back to enter again for as many days as the contest is open. You must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter.

The series premiered on June 4, 2009 and features razor-sharp humor and biting commentary from comedian Daniel Tosh. The weekly, topical series delves into all aspects of the Internet from the absolutely absurd to the incredibly ingenious. Each episode includes Tosh giving subjects of notorious viral videos a second chance to redeem themselves from the embarrassment with which they have become synonymous with their very own “Web Redemption.” The first collection of Tosh.0 episodes, Tosh.0: Hoodies, includes 10 full-length episodes. The two-disc set includes popular “Web Redemptions” for the Afro Ninja, Miss Teen South Carolina and Chris Crocker, among others, along with guest appearances by Dave Attell, Bree Olson and Fred Willard, and much more.

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