The sketch comedy series The Kroll Show has just made its home video debut on DVD, and we have teamed up with Comedy Central to offer a trio of prizes that tie into the release.
One grand prize winner will take home The Kroll Show Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD — a three-disc set — autographed by the man behind the comedy, Nick Kroll. An additional pair of runner-up winners will each take home the DVD sans Kroll’s autographed.
For a chance to win one of these Kroll Show DVD prizes, please fill out and submit the short entry form below. The odds of winning can be increased each and every day you stop back to enter again for as many days as the contest is open.
You must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter.
From the unique mind of Nick Kroll comes a new sketch series, Kroll Show, satirizing our television obsessed culture and the rabid fan base it breeds. More than just a collection of sketches, Kroll Show is about giving Nick’s fans a chance to see his of-the-moment take on pop culture, sports news, nightclub culture, and what defines celebrity with characters and storylines that recur throughout each season.
Bonus Features:
- Free Album Download
- Kroll Karaoke
- Original Music Videos
- Publizity Interview
- Uncut Armond Trial
- Audio Commentaries with Cast & Creators
- Season 3 Teaser and more!
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