Contest: Win First Academy Award Best Picture Winner Wings on Blu-ray

Contest: Win First Academy Award Best Picture Winner Wings on Blu-rayEarlier this morning, The Artist was one of nine films nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. If it wins, it will be the first black and white silent film to win since Wings, the 1929 classic starring Clara Bow, Charles Rogers, Richard Arlen and Gary Cooper that won Best Picture in the very first Academy Awards.

Wings makes its Blu-ray debut today, January 24, and we’re going to award three lucky readers with a copy of it in this contest. For a chance to be one of the Wings Blu-ray winners, please fill out and submit the entry form below. You can optionally increase the odds of winning each day you stop back for as many days as the contest is open. You must be a resident of the United States or Canada to enter.

Wings is the story of two men who have gone to war and the girl they both leave behind. Director William A. Wellman makes one of his most humanistic statements as he explores the devastating results of war.

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