Weekend Box Office Predictions Game: Bridesmaids Battle Vampires

Can Kristen Wiig lead her fellow Bridesmaids to victory past Paul Bettany as a vampire slaying Priest? Maybe, though neither has much of a shot at toppling Chris Hemsworth as the mighty Thor from winning a second straight box office crown.

In our weekly Weekend Box Office Prophet Game, your goal is to predict to the best of your abilities what these three films along with Jumping the Broom and Fast Five will make at the box office this upcoming Friday through Sunday. Your predictions will then be averaged in with the other players to go up against our Prophet predictions.

Should The Prophet win 3 or more of the films then the Blu-ray prize jackpot will roll into the next round. If the players win the majority of films, as they did in the last round by a commanding 4-1 margin, then the top player finisher wins everything. Congratulations go out to Prca for winning Jackass 3, The Fighter and Morning Glory on Blu-ray. A new prize pot starts this round with Skyline on Blu-ray.

The average player scores will update in real time below as new player predictions are entered. This round’s entry period will close tonight at 9pm PST Thursday, May 12. Be sure to get in your predictions before the game entry period closes so you don’t miss the party.

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